Thursday, September 10, 2009

back to teaching

Sorry pictures still aren't ready for posting. I haven't actually been by my room since yesterday morning to even look at them much less do any editing because of class all day, work all night out by my parent's house, stayed there, and then work and class all day today too. Talk about crazy schedules. I promise they will be coming soon. Speaking of work last night, it was the first night of dance classes for the year. I teach ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop to school age kids (3-18 years). It was kind of crazy getting people fitted for shoes and leotards and all that but the first day of classes always are. Very happy to be working with my kids again. Their sometimes simpler outlook on life is always refreshing and they're just a ton of fun. It's definitely hard work, especially the young kids because you're playing babysitter as much as teaching, but totally worth it. For every moment I want to quit from frustration there's an equal number of realizing how fun it is to play and get them to be creative and give them skills to use later on in life. I've met some great kids and hopefully taught them a thing or two. They keep coming back so I guess that's a positive. Enough of my endorsements for the benefits of being a teacher....but seriously if you ever have the chance to teach someone else whatever your special skill is, go for it.


Unknown said...

I could never teach. i get frustrated with people too easily

Anonymous said...

reminds me of teaching kids to snowboard at Hidden Valley, got to keep an eye on the so they don't board down the hill...

Juan Muscarsel said...

It's nice what you do... even if you have a busy schedule as you do, you still enjoy and put all your effort to five your best to those kids so they can have fun and learn at the same time!
congrats! thats really nice!
Keep it like that!

Nice post

Michael said...

Thats a good thing, kids now a days need the help

Sarah Ball said...

i'd be a bad teacher. i have no patience.